ECRW Members Make A Difference Within The Community
Community Involvement
Peace Officers Luncheon

"Caring for America" West Texas Gifts of Hope

First Responders Appreciation Baskets


"Caring for America" West Texas Gifts of Hope

First Responders Appreciation Baskets


"Caring for America" West Texas Gifts of Hope

First Responders Appreciation Baskets


Uvalde County Fundraiser

West Texas Food Bank
ECRW members recently stepped up and worked to help provide 600 meals to West Texas residents via the West Texas Food Bank. Thank you to everyone who participated!

Making The Masks
ECRW Woman and Men often come together to find ways to serve the community. When Sars-Covid-2, Aka the Coronavirus became a concern, ECRW came together and produces more than 500 masks for local first responders. This event embodies the core values that ECRW espouses. Each of the members in our diverse body of our organization feel the need to give back and contribute to our local community. If you're interested in learning more about the many other ways we regularly contribute, please reach out and consider being a member.
Playing The Part
Local Judge Sara Kate Billingsly who works within the local family court has stepped up to the proverbial plate by keeping kids engaged and constantly learning. Her miniseries entitled Quarantine Explorer has been a hit with children all across the Permian Basin. Sara's desire to give back to the community is exemplary and we're proud to have her as a member of ECRW. If you too are interested in the work we accomplish, please reach out to our organization today.

First Responders Reception
On August 31st, 2019, the Permian Basin community fell victim to a mass shooting. As these events unfolded, our first responders rose to the occasion in a truly heroic fashion. To honor those special members in our community, ECRW had a reception with guest speaker Mr. Ted Cruz (R-Houston).